
Want to Collaborate?

Send us an email at with the following information:

  • *Full Name
  • *Location: Country/State
  • *Email
  • *Instagram Handle
  • *# of Followers
  • Website/Blog
  • Monthly Page Views
  • YouTube Link
  • YouTube Subscribers
  • *Tell us what makes you a good fit for BBQ Butler and share your collaboration idea (IG Post/Stories, Blog, YouTube, Photoshoot, etc.)

( * = mandatory answer. If this isn't answered, we wont consider you)


Content Requirements: If approved, you agree to the following: 


For Instagram Post/Stories: Tag @bbqbutler in the photo + caption.

For Website / Blog: Link any BBQ Butler tags to

For YouTube: "BBQ Butler" must be placed in your title, as well as linked in the caption.


By submitting and email request, I agree to the following content requirements and grant BBQ Butler license to use images and video content associated with this partnership, for unlimited marketing usage on all digital and web platforms including but not limited to: the BBQ Butler website and all social media accounts, as well as any offline advertisements or promotions.


Thank you for your interest! We'll get back to you soon!